2025.1.9 KANEBO’s new TV commercial “I HOPE. Lights of Hope”
When each person begins to shine, sparkles spread across boundaries, enriching society and the future with diversity. The new commercial represents KANEBO’s commitment to accepting all aspects of who they are and changing the world with hope. Our philosophy is reflected in this slogan: “KANEBO does not simply sell cosmetics. We offer hope.”
The dynamism and strengths are created by cosmetics.
The commercial features four main casts and over 100 individuals, embodying the dynamism and strengths of people who hold onto hope. Mirrors, which serve as symbols in this commercial, represent the connection between cosmetics and hope. The identities of each individual and their longing for hope are expressed through the reflection in the mirrors.
The four main casts express their individuality by wearing makeup featuring KANEBO’s iconic lipstick, foundation, eye shadow, and cream. Despite facing challenges, they remain resilient, pursue hope, and shine as individuals in their diversity.
The musical style of over 100 cast members celebrates diversity.
The scenes depict the lights of hope within each individual, expressed through a musical performance featuring over 100 cast members. The direction emphasizes individuality through each cast's mirrors rather than uniform movements. The four main casts are presented as leaders of hope, representing various appearances and styles among the people.